Say no to comparison!

Everyone has their strength and weakness, in Mr A's strength lies Mr B's weaknesses. So we really should stop doing that thing we take so much pride in doing- comparison. I mean, this thing causes a whole lot of harm than we pay attention to. 
Parents- comparing your kids with others dampen their self esteem, it kills whatever pride  and confidence they have in themselves. All those, "look at Kemi, she's this she's that" "your brother is a better child than you "  blah blah tbvh, has more harm than good, that's if there's any good in it to start with, Aside from killing self esteem, it can breed hatred between these people. 
You that you're not yet a parent, it's your concern also ,that small thing in your mind that makes you compare friend A to friend B, that's where it starts. 
The earlier we understand we all have our strength and weakness, the better it'll be for us all. Let's understand we have our unique differences ,that's the only thing that makes us different from the next person. 

Happy new week ✌


  1. On point darl, literally a child's success is for bragging, especially in this part of the world. Aishah finished with a first class, my daughter is now in Canada with her husband etc. And the ones doing less are never remembered.

  2. They never remember your age mate that's not doing well. It's all these your mate is this, your mate is that, some people don't even get the bearings of their life. It's sad

  3. They don't show gratitude for being healthy and strong, When their is life surely their is hope. Check yourself

    1. TBH. We want to be like this. We want to be like that. We forget to be grateful for what and who we are at present

  4. This table ehn, practically everyone is on it, we don't want to be compared with anyone, but it's so easy to compare other people.
    One thing I've learnt from this blog, is the constant reminder in your pieces that speaks on how much work individuals have to carry out on themselves.
    I love you

    1. Yeah right, we don't want to be compared but no we want to compare in our head, God help us all. Awwww, thanks so much. You're my number 1 lover na, sheybi you know. ❣

  5. I remember growing up as a child in secondary.. I wasn't above average on the grading scale but then my step mum always Asks me "The person that comes out top of your class does he have 2 heads? I always ask back the person in my class that drives his own car bought by his parents.. Does he also have 2 heads? Comparison literally drains the confidence in children

    1. Tbh, the little confidence the child has been able to garner will just go down the drain. God help us

  6. This is so true. Like honestly y compare a person to someone else. We all av wot we good at and wot we bad at. Instead of telling a person to be like this other person y not say it would be great if you are better than thaT person and I know u can do it. All a person need is word of encouragement and motivation not to be like someone. You don't know wot that person did to get to wherever he got to more so we all have different path. And there are various doors to d same and different path. You could take door A and I take door B. Still we all get to d destination we all want to get to. Pray He guides us through whatever path we chose for ourselves.


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