Get off that horse of entitlement!

One thing we all should imbibe is the habit of not asking people to do things for us and even if we must, do it in such a way that even the person knows you are left with no other choice, ask with utmost humility. Because whaaat? 👂, nobody owes you shit, not even your parents. The only thing you're entitled to is yourself and your opinion. Okey, we understand that in that nice primary school you went to, they didn't teach you to say 'please ' and 'thank you' it's not too late to learn. As my friend, you're not entitled to anything that belongs to me unless I give it to you, ask permission! Ask permission!  Because the next time you just take what is  mine without permission, I'm going to have to ask how much your daddy contributed to acquiring that thingy ,no fight. Hanty, your friend isn't supposed to post your fine picture on her status, it's her choice if she wants to. Uncle big boy, after your parents send your allowance, say thank you.

Get off that horse of entitlement honorably before it breaks your neck and back bone.

And please everyone reading, help me offer prayers to the soul to my late uncle and all the dead. Thankssss


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