Flush away the negativity

So my aunt just got back from shop around past 7 and immediately she entered, Nepa took light, oh my God! You can imagine how pissed she must have been, she  was really furious and started abusing (typical Nigerian), I just sat down there looking at her and thinking in my head hanty we've had this light all day now and then relating it to real life situations, That exactly is how we humans are, we tend to give chance to more negativity and forget someone or something can't be good all the time. I was talking to a friend some days back and she was like "babe you're not nice, mouth is too sharp" lol,  girl  has forgotten all the times I was nice and has chosen only to hold  on to the times I was pissed at something and reacted accordingly . The same way you slave away in your parents house and that one time you decide to take a break, they start to complain of how lazy you are, looool what of the other times I wasn't lazy?
We really need to give more chance to positivity and stop being toxic. Let's understand times change, someone/ something can't be good all the time. Give chance to people to grow and do things at their own pace! Be positive! Embrace positivity!


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